Gittens and Related Family Genealogy Pages

Discovering our Ancestors

Gittens Family Line

Left to Right - Clifford Bertram Gittens (aka Uncle Dick, my father's uncle), Edwin "Bert" Bertram Gittens (Uncle Dick's son), Edgar Clement Gittens (my Father), and then me Clifford Charles Gittens.

This picture was taken in the Eastern Townships of Quebec circa 1952. during a family visit with Uncle Dick and his family. I was actually named "Clifford" after Uncle Dick.

Uncle Dick was born in Barbados and immigrated to Canada in 1911. He worked for the CIBC in Barbados and was transferred to Canada. After arriving in Canada he married and raised a family. Uncle Dick's son Bert was a seaman who worked on Great Lake freighters.


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Johnson Family Line

Marriage photo Paul Johnson and Nancy Foremen, November 19, 1946, Thunder Bay Ontario.